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Blue Ridge Mountains Sams Gap

Appalachian Farmer Market Prices & Seasonal Guide

The prices and product details provided here are intended to give you insights into general market trends for wholesale products in the Appalachian region. This includes standard case sizes, seasonal availability, and year-round best-sellers. Our goal is to help you identify products and prices that align with your business or farm model.


This resource can help you:​

  • Understand what products and pack sizes are currently in demand by chefs in our region.

  • Build a strong foundation for a profitable wholesale business.

  • Focus on key items that may thrive at your local farmers' markets.​


The prices listed reflect what a farmer might sell to a restaurant or a small distributor, such as Southern Culture Cuisine. If you have any questions or would like to discuss these insights further, we encourage you to reach out or schedule a meeting. We’re here to help.

With years of experience working closely with chefs and distributors, we can guide you in avoiding common mistakes and optimizing your efforts. By sharing our experiences, we aim to help strengthen our local food systems, ensuring consistent income streams for small farms and businesses while fostering a healthier and more robust community.


Together, we can support and grow a thriving network of local businesses and farms in the Appalachian region.

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